Izuchite tekhniku Lived in Color ™ Dzhonni Ramiresa.
Celebrity colorist Johnny Ramirez has developed a new approach to digital teaching in his new Video Masterclass. This course will allow your clients to experience a Living Color effect that will last for 8 months. In this four-part video course, colorists will gain first hand knowledge into the lived-in color process for blondes, brunettes and redheads. You can also reversed it and use it for a color correction.
Intro: Part 1
Runtime: 00:02:30 Quality: SD
Tone Down : Part 2
Runtime: 00:07:35 Quality: SD
This video explores the ‘Tone Down’ process for Johnny’s Lived in Color™ Technique.
Sunkissed Brunette : Part 3
Runtime: 00:37:00 Quality: SD
This video teaches Johnny’s signature Lived in Color™ brunette technique.
Lived in Blonde Technique: Part 4
Runtime: 00:27:18 Quality: SD
Learn his signature Lived in Color™ Blonde Technique step by step to achieve the perfect California Blonde.